Thursday, November 6, 2008

Revolutionary Poetry from "obnoxious wit" questions the actual cause of death of Hal the Coyote

"Hal" the Coyote, freedom fighter, enemy of the status quo

Though many humans may have forgotten the story of Hal the Coyote, remembering it as a brief highlight in the free morning paper that they read in amusement and forgot on the way to work, various legends and tales and risen around the mysterious figure of Hal in the free canine community. These tales might remain doubtful if they were only dramatic tales told by pups hoping for a hero, but it seems the idea that Hal had a purpose in his risky trip to Central Park has also struck some humans as a possible truth. A truth some of them would rather have hidden.
The official records of the FBI and the CIA describe Hal's cause of death as heartworm infection and internal bleeding from ingesting rat poison as read in an official report from the Smoking Gun blog that quotes from Hal's coroner's report. However some references to Hal's last moments were also recorded:
"Stone's report, which refers to Hal as a "greatly-compromised coyote," notes that, as the one-year-old was readied for repatriation, he was "taken from his carrier and held with a catch-pole and the mouth was held shut with an ace bandage wrapped around his snout." While Hal's "nose was clear for breathing," a few minutes into the procedure, "the coyote stopped breathing. This was during ear-tagging. Resuscitation attempts failed."

Many dogs express suspicion at the accusations of heartworm infection and ingested rat poison as a way to stigmatize Hal and belittle him in the canine community. "They try to make him look foolish, like a low class sickly dog. They cater to fears and stereotypes and it will only make them look foolish in the end!" states Baxter of Varet St in Brooklyn. Baxter gives the impression of being a light weight, a frivolous shag, but when questioned about Hal his tone becomes somber and his small body stands resolute. "We know that there is more to the story. We do not need to read the reports. We only ask why does the CIA have a record on a coyote at all?" Baxter would not share any other information.

While rumors abound and few stories seem to be consistent, Canines for Freedom has done little to investigate claims that the government murdered Hal for his involvement in SOFT (Secret Order of Four Toes). Indeed while St Maverick has been referenced as one of the founding members of SOFT, the current administration of Canines for Freedom does not acknowledge that the organization even exists. Therefore questions on Hal's actual age, place of birth, and his connections to the Sawtooth wolf pack in Wyoming and photographed sightings in Alaska are going unanswered. CFF and the modern canine movement cries out for leadership during these troubled economic times and the inspiration of a hero coyote could do wonders for their progress, yet when Buddy Beagle, Karma Smith and Miss Ruby were questioned concerning Hal's reasons to be in Central Park they pretend they can't talk.

One wise pitbull named One Eye, a grimacing figure in the neighborhood hinted that he had served with Hal in the war and that Hal was not full coyote. "Anything you want to know about Hal, though, the FBI's the ones to ask. They got film, they got interrogations." When questioned further One Eye pretended to chase a squirrel, badly.

With dogs on the hush either to protect living former conspirators or current SOFT operations very few facts are coming forward. Still as some more enlightened humans become conscience of the struggle, more straightforward questions may be asked.

In his poem concerning Hal's controversial death on March 30, 2006, Obnoxious Wit compares Hal's mission to the guarding of all truth and reason. It is highly significant that a human is declaring concern for the fact that the FBI may have had Hal killed.

In Memoriam - Wil[e]y "Hal" Coyote
By ObnoxiousWit - April 1, 2006 - 8:08pm

Rest in peace, you Wil[e]y Coyote.
We called you Hal, ever do some peyote?

You ran free and wild, through the woods of New Yorkey
Surviving on rabbit and big plump ducky

You thought on your own and did as you pleased
Until one day, the secret police got uneased

Thinking you might, just be too wiley
They shot you down and now they're all smiley

So rest in peace, you Wil[e]y Coyote
We called you Hal, where's Truman Capote?

In honor of W. H. Coyote, I've been thinking about prisoners and/or non-conformists being shot in the back while trying to escape. Which of course brings me to Fahrenheit 451. ;)

My question to all. If you escaped the dreaded firemen, made it to the river and floated downstream to the train tracks, where you found the hobo camp of intellectual outlaws who each committed to memory one literary work, WHICH LITERARY WORK WOULD YOU WANT TO LEARN AND RECITE?

1984 is an especially potent metaphor for CFF members. Most dogs are still unable to read and are only exposed to literature through recitation. In fact, as the stories grow, some wonder if the sympathy and respect shown by Obnoxious Wit give them away as being a dog.

We may never know the answers unless everyone stays home to watch their pets for a long period of time. "That's just what they want!" Grumbled Harriet Snugshoe between clenched jaws, "I will not be exploited into providing dog biscuits for everyone."
"Yes," replied Baxter, "Please, please. I love you"

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