Tuesday, November 11, 2008


While Veterans Day is a human holiday that remembers the losses we share resulting from war, we canines also feel it necessary to remember our past leaders and pass on their great teachings to our young pups so that the movement will be carried from generation to generation. The long evolution of our free and equal citizenship of the world will be held in the strong jaw grip of our youthful dogs!! Therefore they must be guided by the wisdom of history!! CFF is also introducing legislation to incorporate animal rights leaders into school textbooks. Here is a sample of our work.


May 19, 1997- Maverick Valeri is born of a free love tryst in upstate New York

July 4, 1997- Maverick is torn from his biological mother and put up for adoption with his 6 unknown sisters. He is adopted by two humans, one of whom, Sarah Valeri, would become his interspecies research partner. The other eventually strayed and went to live with cats. Maverick never knew his biological father.

September 1997- As a pup Maverick travels with his research partner to meet Kathy Crisp, a human who spoke dog, who became a mentor and friend throughout his life. Maverick's fear of large boisterous dogs and the meeting with communicative humans on the east coast spark his views on the relationship between species.

October 1997- Maverick moves to Florida where he spends the days of his youth.
He establishes communication with marine animals, water birds, and frogs.
He enjoys a time of wild bliss in a forested area on the beach.

April 1999- Maverick is forcibly relocated to Omaha, NE and lives in a world where dogs are forcibly retained in small fences and lose their ability to communicate together, creating discord between neighbors. One of Maverick's adopted parents tries to enforce obedience school, before going to live with cats. Maverick revolts against the training and is expelled from the training ring, yet at this time he and his partner began to establish communication on illuminated interspecies relations.

June 2003- Maverick travels to Montana with his beloved Auntie Christine. While his appetite for farm food was legendary he became distraught over the idea of animals in captivity. He allowed himself to be forcibly shaved in a demonstration of his solidarity with the steer, though he confessed that he would still eat them.

October 2003- Maverick and his research partner move to a small home near a lake in Omaha to begin their revolutionary plans. They contact NYU to begin creating the first
Interspecies Psychoanalytic Research Center for every being (except cats).They travel frequently, interviewing animals all over the country.

August 2004 Maverick and his research assistant move to NYC in a UHaul. Maverick becomes a student of culture and the arts, frequently digging holes outside of the Metropolitan Art Museum. It is said that he began to secretly rally the first members of CAP together in the Pine Forest, and allegedly the controversial underground group known as SOFT.
He also begins his first writings on human development and psychology and begins his crosswalk pooping protests.

JUne 2005 Maverick moves to Bushwick, Brooklyn. A difficult chapter of Maverick's life marked by poverty and long hours at home beckons forth his most adversarial campaigns and his most controversial writing and actions. Human property law, canine rights, and
the first canine marches earn critical attention. Veternarians begin to hire security guards. Maverick is at the pinnacle of his rebellious leadership.
This is also a time of a great renaissance of canine involvement in the arts. Maverick curates many art gatherings.

March 2006 Hal Coyote and Maverick are imprisoned together, allegedly to accomplish a secret meeting. Hal Coyote dies suspiciously after being detained.

July 2006 Maverick receives a comparatively suspicious emergency surgery and is seen allowing a vet and a cat into his home. Great controversy ensues. The CAP and CFF break and new movements are born from the splintered groups.

September 2006 Maverick and his research partner complete their thesis. Maverick is the first canine ranked in academia.

December 2006 Maverick falls terribly and suddenly ill. His condition is listed as terminal. He spends a few days resting on a grassy lawn with his research partner and returns to Brooklyn where he died suddenly in the vet's office before being put to sleep. Canines everywhere mourn.

March 2007 Maverick's visage is seen in a pizza crust on Bushwick Ave. Hope is renewed, good tidings between humans and dogs reign and the Catholic Church is scorned for not canonizing the hero. All Brooklyn dogs leave the Catholic Church.
New Canine leadership rises from the young dogs of brooklyn. The movement takes on a more educated and cooperative tone, though such incidences as the Million Dog March on May 19 2007 strike fear into the hearts of humans.

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