Tuesday, November 11, 2008


While Veterans Day is a human holiday that remembers the losses we share resulting from war, we canines also feel it necessary to remember our past leaders and pass on their great teachings to our young pups so that the movement will be carried from generation to generation. The long evolution of our free and equal citizenship of the world will be held in the strong jaw grip of our youthful dogs!! Therefore they must be guided by the wisdom of history!! CFF is also introducing legislation to incorporate animal rights leaders into school textbooks. Here is a sample of our work.


May 19, 1997- Maverick Valeri is born of a free love tryst in upstate New York

July 4, 1997- Maverick is torn from his biological mother and put up for adoption with his 6 unknown sisters. He is adopted by two humans, one of whom, Sarah Valeri, would become his interspecies research partner. The other eventually strayed and went to live with cats. Maverick never knew his biological father.

September 1997- As a pup Maverick travels with his research partner to meet Kathy Crisp, a human who spoke dog, who became a mentor and friend throughout his life. Maverick's fear of large boisterous dogs and the meeting with communicative humans on the east coast spark his views on the relationship between species.

October 1997- Maverick moves to Florida where he spends the days of his youth.
He establishes communication with marine animals, water birds, and frogs.
He enjoys a time of wild bliss in a forested area on the beach.

April 1999- Maverick is forcibly relocated to Omaha, NE and lives in a world where dogs are forcibly retained in small fences and lose their ability to communicate together, creating discord between neighbors. One of Maverick's adopted parents tries to enforce obedience school, before going to live with cats. Maverick revolts against the training and is expelled from the training ring, yet at this time he and his partner began to establish communication on illuminated interspecies relations.

June 2003- Maverick travels to Montana with his beloved Auntie Christine. While his appetite for farm food was legendary he became distraught over the idea of animals in captivity. He allowed himself to be forcibly shaved in a demonstration of his solidarity with the steer, though he confessed that he would still eat them.

October 2003- Maverick and his research partner move to a small home near a lake in Omaha to begin their revolutionary plans. They contact NYU to begin creating the first
Interspecies Psychoanalytic Research Center for every being (except cats).They travel frequently, interviewing animals all over the country.

August 2004 Maverick and his research assistant move to NYC in a UHaul. Maverick becomes a student of culture and the arts, frequently digging holes outside of the Metropolitan Art Museum. It is said that he began to secretly rally the first members of CAP together in the Pine Forest, and allegedly the controversial underground group known as SOFT.
He also begins his first writings on human development and psychology and begins his crosswalk pooping protests.

JUne 2005 Maverick moves to Bushwick, Brooklyn. A difficult chapter of Maverick's life marked by poverty and long hours at home beckons forth his most adversarial campaigns and his most controversial writing and actions. Human property law, canine rights, and
the first canine marches earn critical attention. Veternarians begin to hire security guards. Maverick is at the pinnacle of his rebellious leadership.
This is also a time of a great renaissance of canine involvement in the arts. Maverick curates many art gatherings.

March 2006 Hal Coyote and Maverick are imprisoned together, allegedly to accomplish a secret meeting. Hal Coyote dies suspiciously after being detained.

July 2006 Maverick receives a comparatively suspicious emergency surgery and is seen allowing a vet and a cat into his home. Great controversy ensues. The CAP and CFF break and new movements are born from the splintered groups.

September 2006 Maverick and his research partner complete their thesis. Maverick is the first canine ranked in academia.

December 2006 Maverick falls terribly and suddenly ill. His condition is listed as terminal. He spends a few days resting on a grassy lawn with his research partner and returns to Brooklyn where he died suddenly in the vet's office before being put to sleep. Canines everywhere mourn.

March 2007 Maverick's visage is seen in a pizza crust on Bushwick Ave. Hope is renewed, good tidings between humans and dogs reign and the Catholic Church is scorned for not canonizing the hero. All Brooklyn dogs leave the Catholic Church.
New Canine leadership rises from the young dogs of brooklyn. The movement takes on a more educated and cooperative tone, though such incidences as the Million Dog March on May 19 2007 strike fear into the hearts of humans.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

ARCHIVE: Article on the Miracle of 23 March of 2007!!

Sasha's favorite pizza at Danny's on Bushwick is the veggie combo!

Friends and supporters, let us not forget the great moments we have had in our movement for interspecies equality! Take heart and may we all march towards freedom!


Sergeant Malone of the 99th precinct was discussing the recently high rates of canine runaways, unsupervised canines on the subways, and suspicious deli burglaries with animal control specialist Wayne Chu when a local news story on the TV caught his eye. "This explains everything" he thought.
Last week at the corner of Montrose and Bushwick a large slice of rotten cheese pizza was found laying on the curb just outside of Danny's Pizza. This was not unusual in itself, but as Danny Jr went outside to scatter the baying crowd of dogs gathered outside his pizza ship he was shocked and strangely inspired by what he saw.
"It is obviously a miracle. I called the priest right away, but they weren't sure what to do about it and said they would have to call me back."
It is also not unusual that the Catholic priest from St Nicholas church was not available for comment, as they were often criticized by and in disagreement with activist canine Maverick Valeri during his lifetime of heroic leadership. Equality between canines and humans was not supported by the pope, and dogs were told to pray to St Francis and put away their arrogance.
Yet there right before Danny Jr's eyes was the proud profile of Maverick's characteristically sheperd face, pointed ears, and fluffy tail spontaneously recreated in the slice of pizza. "Nobody tried to make this by biting the pizza! It's truly a miracle, it's just the way that the sauce and the cheese mix together and it's exactly like him. He used to live here you know, just around the corner. He was a proud dog, dignified, but never rude. I think Rodrigo baked that pizza yesterday."
The dogs would not be removed from the scene despite three police cars. Danny Jr attempted to convince the police to leave, to allow the dogs to celebrate their miraculous hero. Many neighbors came out to pay respects despite the statement against Maverick from the church. "Who can deny that animals have souls now? This is a true miracle and all of these dogs should be given sanctuary as messengers of the angels!!" declared Consuela Garcia, whose little daughter was playing happily with a smiling pit bull. "They will never go hungry in my neighborhood no matter what the pope says!!"
As the crowd of dogs and humans grew the streets filled, Danny's served free pizza to everyone and Jessie's Bakery brought out cakes and sodas until the neighbors set up their barbecues and began roasting chickens as a spontaneous air of peace and celebration filled the air. The dogs feasted as humans began to reflect on their new life with dogs.
"Dogs have always been there for us, and we have to make up for lost time!!" shouted neighbor Carl Maxwell over a din of howling. The police, who also had had a strained relationship with Maverick and his followers, tried to shut down the barbecue, but eventually wound up walking back to the precinct and leaving their suspiciously defiled cars to be picked up later.
The celebration, a true reconciliation between species in this still humble Brooklyn neighborhood continued through the night, until the dogs were full and sleepy and were carried to various neighborhood homes to rest. A few of the older dogs who had been inspired by Maverick to further their education held late night meetings with local neighborhood committees and animal rights groups. The result of this is the new beginnings of canine empowering infrastructure, that for now will be run by humans and later will be taken over by dogs. Volunteers are signing up to offer daily shuttle rides to the park, small attractive shelters with adequate ventilation are being built in the park and discussions are in progress to decide how long excrement can be left on sidewalks for the purpose of property declaration.
Bongo, a wisened pit bull with a scarred upbringing who recently legally emanicipated himself from his adopted owner was a great admirer of Maverick and plans to continue his work. A well respected dog who has lived on the streets and with humans, Bongo is a slower, more contemplative leader than Maverick, whose tactics were sometimes criticized as being too radical or even insane. Bongo chuckles at this accusation, " His time and cause required drastic and determined action and complete intolerance of those who worked to keep dogs out of parks and burdened by human culture. Now that he has won their attention we can work in a more cooperative method. " Bongo howls softly and remembers a time that he was walking down Cook St and saw Maverick walk up to a group of young human males and grab their pizza box, barking, "Go eat Purina, human pigs!!" "That wouldn't help us today, but we wouldn't be here without him."
"Yes! Yes!" barks China, a young but astute female lab living in the nearby artist lofts, " No one listened to us until Maverick gave a us voice among humans. But now we have long and meticulous work to do, deciding on how dogs want to be incorporated into the economic and legal systems. Many dogs disagree with the idea of currency, but humans are unlikely to give it up. This will take much thought. We will be meeting at Cooper Park on the days of trash pickup when it gets hot out for community discussion. You can bring a human, but we won't be wearing collars... AROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
As life settles back into its daily routine in Bushwick the evidence of Maverick's passion and struggle can be seen in subtle changes. Street and restaurant names are being added in scented form. A slight stench rises from the streets as dogs claim areas to call their own. Police cars are still routinely found with missing tires and pawprints, but an air of peace remains. A small gathering of artifacts is left on the curb outside of Danny's Pizza; a bone, a goat leg, a small rubber toy, and carnations are left in maverick's memory. Other sitings have been noted in Manhattan and Greenpoint. Every morning Rodrigo bakes an extra cheese pizza to leave outside for the young dogs on their way to school in the morning, a recognition that Maverick never received but would take great joy in were he still here.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Revolutionary Poetry from "obnoxious wit" questions the actual cause of death of Hal the Coyote

"Hal" the Coyote, freedom fighter, enemy of the status quo

Though many humans may have forgotten the story of Hal the Coyote, remembering it as a brief highlight in the free morning paper that they read in amusement and forgot on the way to work, various legends and tales and risen around the mysterious figure of Hal in the free canine community. These tales might remain doubtful if they were only dramatic tales told by pups hoping for a hero, but it seems the idea that Hal had a purpose in his risky trip to Central Park has also struck some humans as a possible truth. A truth some of them would rather have hidden.
The official records of the FBI and the CIA describe Hal's cause of death as heartworm infection and internal bleeding from ingesting rat poison as read in an official report from the Smoking Gun blog that quotes from Hal's coroner's report. However some references to Hal's last moments were also recorded:
"Stone's report, which refers to Hal as a "greatly-compromised coyote," notes that, as the one-year-old was readied for repatriation, he was "taken from his carrier and held with a catch-pole and the mouth was held shut with an ace bandage wrapped around his snout." While Hal's "nose was clear for breathing," a few minutes into the procedure, "the coyote stopped breathing. This was during ear-tagging. Resuscitation attempts failed."

Many dogs express suspicion at the accusations of heartworm infection and ingested rat poison as a way to stigmatize Hal and belittle him in the canine community. "They try to make him look foolish, like a low class sickly dog. They cater to fears and stereotypes and it will only make them look foolish in the end!" states Baxter of Varet St in Brooklyn. Baxter gives the impression of being a light weight, a frivolous shag, but when questioned about Hal his tone becomes somber and his small body stands resolute. "We know that there is more to the story. We do not need to read the reports. We only ask why does the CIA have a record on a coyote at all?" Baxter would not share any other information.

While rumors abound and few stories seem to be consistent, Canines for Freedom has done little to investigate claims that the government murdered Hal for his involvement in SOFT (Secret Order of Four Toes). Indeed while St Maverick has been referenced as one of the founding members of SOFT, the current administration of Canines for Freedom does not acknowledge that the organization even exists. Therefore questions on Hal's actual age, place of birth, and his connections to the Sawtooth wolf pack in Wyoming and photographed sightings in Alaska are going unanswered. CFF and the modern canine movement cries out for leadership during these troubled economic times and the inspiration of a hero coyote could do wonders for their progress, yet when Buddy Beagle, Karma Smith and Miss Ruby were questioned concerning Hal's reasons to be in Central Park they pretend they can't talk.

One wise pitbull named One Eye, a grimacing figure in the neighborhood hinted that he had served with Hal in the war and that Hal was not full coyote. "Anything you want to know about Hal, though, the FBI's the ones to ask. They got film, they got interrogations." When questioned further One Eye pretended to chase a squirrel, badly.

With dogs on the hush either to protect living former conspirators or current SOFT operations very few facts are coming forward. Still as some more enlightened humans become conscience of the struggle, more straightforward questions may be asked.

In his poem concerning Hal's controversial death on March 30, 2006, Obnoxious Wit compares Hal's mission to the guarding of all truth and reason. It is highly significant that a human is declaring concern for the fact that the FBI may have had Hal killed.

In Memoriam - Wil[e]y "Hal" Coyote
By ObnoxiousWit - April 1, 2006 - 8:08pm

Rest in peace, you Wil[e]y Coyote.
We called you Hal, ever do some peyote?

You ran free and wild, through the woods of New Yorkey
Surviving on rabbit and big plump ducky

You thought on your own and did as you pleased
Until one day, the secret police got uneased

Thinking you might, just be too wiley
They shot you down and now they're all smiley

So rest in peace, you Wil[e]y Coyote
We called you Hal, where's Truman Capote?

In honor of W. H. Coyote, I've been thinking about prisoners and/or non-conformists being shot in the back while trying to escape. Which of course brings me to Fahrenheit 451. ;)

My question to all. If you escaped the dreaded firemen, made it to the river and floated downstream to the train tracks, where you found the hobo camp of intellectual outlaws who each committed to memory one literary work, WHICH LITERARY WORK WOULD YOU WANT TO LEARN AND RECITE?

1984 is an especially potent metaphor for CFF members. Most dogs are still unable to read and are only exposed to literature through recitation. In fact, as the stories grow, some wonder if the sympathy and respect shown by Obnoxious Wit give them away as being a dog.

We may never know the answers unless everyone stays home to watch their pets for a long period of time. "That's just what they want!" Grumbled Harriet Snugshoe between clenched jaws, "I will not be exploited into providing dog biscuits for everyone."
"Yes," replied Baxter, "Please, please. I love you"

Reexamination of Influential Canine Legal Cases

Who really pulls the sleigh?

Maverick Valeri, interspecies activist, psychoanalyst, and a spokesbeing for the
working class and other downtrodden populations was recently fined for submitting false reports of a stolen vehicle.
Maverick first signalled the authorities to report the alleged theft of his '76 Subaru by screwing the top off of a decrepit hydrant and creating a large plume
of water that brought the FDNY and the NYPD running. Valeri was also cited
for destroying FDNY equipment but this only brought on a long howl and much complicated dirt scratching which was later translated as meaning "When would you a-hole felines have shown up if I had been growling in
my native language over the phone?" (Since the MTA transit strike Maverick
has refused to speak in any language requiring vocal chords until the trains allowdogs to ride to the park for free.) Through canine signals and body language Maverick communicated that he had been slowly corroding the hydrant with his urine for months specifically to ensure that he would have a way to contact emergency services should he or his research
partner be in mortal peril. Authorities familiar with Maverick's past hot headedness wanted to end the situation as quickly and quietly as possible, until they realized that papers proving Maverick's ownership were not to be
"I just don't see too many dogs driving cars, ya know? He's a
progressive animal, but he doesn't have thumbs, ya know, so I had to ask." stated Sgt Hernandez.
After further questioning that had to be finished outdoors so that the
scratching and urinating could be understood clearly by translators it was found that Maverick had claimed the car as his own by defecating beside it on the sidewalk. Canine law has traditionally stated that defecation is clear mark of
property, yet this clashes with the traditional human custom that requires a title or deed to prove ownership.
MAverick also lacked knowledge of a license plate number and did not have a drivers license, yet he did not attempt to hide his intention of using the car to drive to manhattan to go to the park. (Canine advocates did agree that Maverick;s scent remained near the space where the vehicle was last seen, but as his research partner continues to remove his feces from the sidewalk, it could not be proven to the human
authorities,and they did not appear to be sensitive to the custom.) Maverick became belligerent and when refused a ride to the park in the police cruiser he peed on the cruiser and attempted to enter and was taken intocustody. The ACLU has been contacted and is reviewing the case.
While behind bars Maverick met with Hal the Coyote who had just been
captured in central park. Higher level authorities have been questioned as to how two members of SOFT (Secret Order of Four Toes) were allowed to remain in teh same cell together with ample opportunity to plan and share knowledge of details of
infrastructure in NYC. Sgt Koenig claimed that they were both put in the
same cell for disturbing the peace, as one was caught peeing on NYPD property and one was streaking in the park, but the FBI suspects that the simultaneous arrests were not coincidence and that the coyote was clearly on a fact finding mission. They
believe the two hoped to be jailed in order to signal other canines to unite.
The two animals were found with gnawed spoons tied to their forepaws.
The FBI believes it was an attempt to create mechanical thumbs. It is unclear how they were able to tie the string as they did not
have the thumbs on at first and they function clumsily at best. Both of them continue to deny the existence of SOFT, but the FBI claims to have evidence that the two have met previously and they say that Hal is not the coyote's real name.

Related news

Interspecies advocates debate the ethical use of prosthetics at
conference: Identity vs Identification

Guide to Interspecies language and universal signals on Good Morning America
Monday morning at 9

How will property laws change in the 21st century?

Dogs in psychotherapy: Getting in touch with your inner animal.

Remembrance of 2006 Election Day: Struggle to Find a Movement

Maverick Valeri gains inspiration from the Minuteman Statue on the Lexington Green

November 7 2006 was a victorious day for humans as a governement
that has pandered to a discriminatory and self righteous minority
began to dismantle. Humans all over the world rejoice and begin to
warily hope for peace.
Yet, unrest and indignation are still par for the course for
those of us who cannot read the ballots, or are too short to reach the
voting lever even when they are standing on their hind legs, or are
not relieved from guard duty long enough to to even visit the voting
Maverick, canine activist and leader of the newly formed Peaceful
Canine Anarchists party spoke on the steps of the local bodegas as a
crowd of dogs gathered to march peacefully to the voting sites.
"YAr!! My human will allow me to go to the voting booth, but WHY?
HUmans are the only species on the ballot! Who will I vote for?
HUmans don't even know how to vote. If all the candidates would give
a urine sample at the voting booths, we would all be able to smell
out the dishonest, the corrupt, and the megalomaniacs. Peace would be
Maverick led the procession calling for the respect and
recognition of the 60 million canines in America, the end to the
hunting of wolves in all states, stronger restrictions on the number
of veterinarian hospitals, and a plan to quintuple the budget for
homeless dog shelters in order to allow for training and
rehabilitation programs and to build new shelters with trees and dirt
and soft pillows.
The growing pack chanting "No Vote without Dogs!!" included
dobermans, chihuahuas, pitbulls that had escaped from drug dealers to
speak their minds. Some of the dogs wore studded ccollars while
others wore tiny eddie bauer sweaters, but all were united in spirit.
Maverick himself, who will not run for office due to the staining
incident of allowing a cat to stay in his apartment, still led the
pack wearing a flower garland and carrying a walking stick in his mouth.
"Man, that dog has watched Ghandi too many times, but if he ccan
get all the dogs united then we can really do something! I want my
own house so my that cute retriever can stay over and we need to rescue the dogs
who are brainwashed into the drug trade." said a labrador named Sunny
from Bushwick Ave.
The dogs streamed into the train station on their way to the
voting site despite the beatings and yelling of the police. The
police dogs sat down in protest and several gave up their positions
as they joined the ranks. "Bite no human!" Cried Maverick, "We
will prevail on the basis of our rights and contribution!!"
Unfortunately the train was much louder than the dogs expected.
The larger dogs, never having been on the subway, were greatly pained
by the noise. Howling and chaos ensued. Maverick was seen fleeing the
station howling, "Traitors!! Traitors!!" , several dogs ran down the

tunnel and are reported to have begun an underground canine society
which may create splinters and divisions in the movement. Many of the
smaller dogs were able to ride the train and valiantly made their way
to the voting site, where unfortunately
they could not see the
ballots and became lost and a little confused.