Sunday, September 4, 2011

Organic Farmers Sue Monsanto and We Like It!

Complete Article
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CFF officials have begun studying the food industry. (Why do humans even have a food industry? It's food.. it literally grows on trees and walks around and you can even find it lying all over the street!) We dogs had no idea what you humans are doing to food! How can you make something so good... into something so bad? That must take an incredibly aggressive effort! Luckily organic farmers are fighting back and suing Monsanto!!! We canines completely support this measure and we will post later with any links to support them. (We also think that food should have the right to fight back with whatever capabilities it has.)
Food is very important to us dogs. So is the truth. The truth is hated and feared by Monsanto. They have a blacklist of farmers that speak out against them and intimidating investigators that terrorize these truthful farmers. CFF will always speak for the independent voice and we will share what we have to support those who speak the truth.

Dogs blacklist no one. Members of CFF, CAP and SOFT only live as free individuals, and we refuse to be treated as a product, consumer, or indentured servant. Always be masters of yourselves.

We love this section of the complaint filed by the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association
Monsanto's patents are also unenforceable because, among other things, Monsanto
has committed misuse, Monsanto is equitably estopped from enforcing them, and Monsanto
commits trespass when its transgenic seed contaminates another. Lastly, Monsanto would not be
entitled to any remedy under law or equity even if its patents were held to be valid, infringed and
enforceable against Plaintiffs, as no economic injury happens to Monsanto and the public interest
would not support granting Monsanto an injunction when its patented seed contaminates another.

Organic farmers sue Monsanto

Nearly 300,000 organic farmers are filing suit against corporate agriculture giant Monsanto, who have in recent years squashed independent organic farms from coast to coast.
270,000 organic farmers filed a lawsuit in March 30 in an attempt to keep a portion of the world’s food supply organic. The plaintiffs in the case are members of around 60 family farms, seed businesses and organic agricultural organizations.

Led by the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association, the suit lashes out at Monsanto to keep their engineered Genuity® Roundup Ready® canola seed out of their farms. Organic agriculturalists say that corn, cotton, sugar beets and other crops of theirs have been contaminated by Monsanto‘s seed, and even though the contamination has been largely natural and unintended, Monsanto has been suing hundreds of farmers for infringing on their patent for incidentally using their product.

Not only are organic farmers trying to keep things — well, organic — but now many of them are being forced to throw in the towel as Monsanto unfortunately continues a successful war on the competition by suing indie growers that run organic farms. In recent years, Monsanto has acquired more than 20 of the biggest seed producers and sellers in the country, and The Street reports that they have instituted a policy whereas their customers are forced to use their bionengineered seeds — and purchase them each and every year — lest they want to be blacklisted forever.

The Securities and Exchange Commission launched an investigation into Monsanto’s “customer incentive programs” last year, and the Department of Justice has been probing into possible antirust violation relating to the blacklisting of customers since 2009.

As Monsanto buys out competitors and sues others, last year’s profits went up by 77 percent to $680 million.

Organic farmers sue Monsanto [continued]

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