Wednesday, August 31, 2011

We Are Sorry Dr Mr Professor Daniels

Well, it seems that the members of CAP, the very top members actually, must, even though they serve in absolute anonymity, be a good example of leadership and apologize for their very bad and well.. non academic behavior.

CFF, CAP and SOFT members worked together to acquire 2 packs of Ring Dings as compensation for Dr Mr Professor Daniels very outspoken interview on maths for dogs. This article was very valuable to us and it is being translated to dogs as far as Greenpoint already. And maybe even some sympathetic humans are helping to teach their dogs math so they can make smart economic decisions... unlike some very apologetic members of CFF, CAP and SOFT.

So it seems that the Ring Dings were acquired through a precarious black market mission in Prospect Park. The Ring Dings were then brought back to headquarters, sniffed and tested for poisons and scented for security.
And then the storm came and all the top members gathered at headquarters in case there was need of a rescue mission. Once it was realized that the storm was weakening the dogs let down their guards and began to chew and play dominoes. This made them they think about math. They noticed the Ring Dings in their packages... 2 Ring Dings in 2 packages. This began a very interesting discussion on the definition of sets and units.
Some dogs believe that the whole package of Ring Dings could be considered a unit, since it was a unified package and it was one. Some dogs thought, no, it was only a set because it contained two separate Ring Dings. Dogs were very excited. You know how passionate our brave leaders are about learning!
After some growling and cursing one very belligerent dog decided to prove that if he ate just one package of Ring Dings, or one set, there would still be three Ring Dings, because there were two in the other unit, and he was going to eat a quantity of one... and well... he ate one set of Ring Dings which meant two, really. And did not share. So then there was growling. And the other leaders are very embarassed to admit that they did not think this was fair and so they decided to use division and make 8 Ring Dings out of two.. It is very amazing magic. They celebrated and apparently somehow they ate 10 units of Ring Dings and 1 set of 2 and they did not even know how it happened.
In their defense, Ring Dings are very good and a rare treat, and the forced regurgitations they underwent once they realized chocolate is poison for dogs were a horrible horrible punishment.
Still deeply humbled, the leaders recognized their irresponsible ways and were dismayed that their hard won gift for Dr Mr Professor Daniels was now zero Ring Dings. This was hardly befitting of such a brave contributor or our brave leaders. Since they found it difficult to negotiate a compensation of edibles, they decided to ask a human diplomat, who would never eat special gift Ring Dings during a storm, to make a special gift for Dr Mr Professor Daniels. Now, apparently he is invited to go to a place called Chocolate Town with friends and eat things that are even yummier than Ring Dings. We cannot imagine this is even possible. We are very sad that we cannot go and eat these delicious foods. But we will stay home and think about the way we behaved...the way a good leader would do.