Thursday, May 5, 2011

Real Dogs Go in First

Dogs are essential to work in the military because "their skills can not be replicated by man or machine" according to General Petraeus (who just admitted that dogs can do awesome things that he can't).

Yes it seems that dogs were "helping" humans on the raid. Yes we know.. they help by always going into the buildings first. They are generously thanked for sniffing out explosives and giving warnings to humans who assume they are doing the real work.
Going in first. See humans... I bet that neither Bush, nor Obama, has never gone into a building first. If they have indeed ever gone into a raid. Seems silly to a dog who knows that the wisest and smartest dog always leads his/ her pack in a dangerous situation. Bravest dogs in first. Alpha dogs don't leave dangerous work to young pups. They care for them far too much.
It seems strange to us dogs also because, the dog who enters first claims leadership. So as far as CFF, CAP and SOFT are concerned, the US military has been officially handed over to canine authority. A fine sheperd by the name of Tonka is now in charge of all military operations. Dogs are now being asked to pull together and forge a socially positive role for the new canine led military. As we speak Tonka himself is leading a charge to excavate mine fields all over the middle east and to create security detail for all species who are walking to and from schools. Meat is also being collected to share, although it has to be dispersed rapidly. According to human ritual, meat is unclean for eating if not cooked at some point. And all those mom's in the US who worry so about the safety of human children? While alpa dogs remove all guns from people, because guns are an unfair method of conflict, beta dogs walk children safely to play areas and new clinics. We know you will be happy to hear this!
CFF has not yet approved the release of the real story of the dogs' role on yesterday's raid. Even though many philosophical mandates have already been written on the topic, including work by Bonhoeffer, Polly Schnauzer, and the Dalai Lama. But we know that SOFT, CFF and CAP will never rest, not because dogs are obedient, but because they are good. And because they can do things that no man or machine can do. And we know it. Sleep easy little humans.

Monday, May 2, 2011

May 2, 2011

An eye for an eye makes everybody blind ~ Mahatma Ghandi

True yesterday.. true today... probably will be true tomorrow.